Dear President Obama, During February’s White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, you had some interesting comments, such as, “But when people -- especially young people -- feel entirely trapped in impoverished communities, where there is no order and no path for advancement, where there are no educational opportunities, where there are no ways to support families, and no escape from injustice and the humiliations of corruption -- that feeds instability and disorder, and makes those communities ripe for extremist recruitment," as reported here. Mr. President, you are no longer a community activist and therefore cannot treat foreign affairs like an idealistic young community organizer. As CNN recently reported, for example, that Mohammed Emwazi, Kuwaiti born but reared in London, and was once a “pampered schoolboy” in England, is “Jihadi John,” the man who on camera beheaded several men as they knelt on the sand. Emwazi had graduated from Westminster University in London in 2009 with a degree in computer programming. He was living a life with educational opportunities, with a way to support his family. He also was a devout Muslim who went to the mosque weekly. This man reached out to Islamic extremists, eventually making it to Syria where he became the masked on-camera killer, representing ISIS. How would your community activism foreign policies helped him? Mr. President, also at the conference and in the same speech as above, you said, “We have to confront the warped ideologies espoused by terrorists like al Qaeda and ISIL, especially their attempt to use Islam to justify their violence. I discussed this at length yesterday. These terrorists are desperate for legitimacy. And all of us have a responsibility to refute the notion that groups like ISIL somehow represent Islam, because that is a falsehood that embraces the terrorist narrative.” Unlike the Quran, the Islamic holy book, the Bible teaches that God is a God of love and mercy. The Bible states, “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings,” [Hosea 6:6]. With the God of the Bible, women are valued and loved, and not forced to undergo female circumcision. Followers of Christ, God’s Son, are commanded by Christ to love one another as He has loved. The Quran, which all people of the Islamic faith follow, have eye-opening verses to guide them in their faith. This website source states that “unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subjective as anything else in the Quran.” What this means, Mr. President, is that the very faith you claim is peaceful has at its core violence and bloodshed, and calls for the followers of Mohammed to kill all who do not worship their god, Allah. For example: “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.” [Quran 2:216] “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority.” [Quran 3:151] “Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah heareth and knoweth all things.” [Quran 2:244] “Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.” [Quran 4:74] “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” [Quran 8:12] People who espouse the “coexist” movement believe that since Christians, Jews and Muslims have Abraham as the founder of each of these faiths that we all serve the same god. Christians and Jews serve the same God; the difference is, Christians believe that the Messiah came as the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who died, and Resurrected on the third day, and today sits at the right hand of God the Father until His return. The god of the Islamic faith though, is so radically different than the God of the Torah and Bible that it cannot be, Mr. President. Numbers 23:19 (in the Torah and Bible) states, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” God does not change. The same God that was, is, and will be. The sins that existed 5,000 years ago are still sins today. The same God that said He desires mercy and not sacrifice is the same God of today. God cannot cancel out Himself. He cannot say out of one corner of His holy mouth, “Thou shalt not kill,” and out of the other say, “strike off their heads.” Jesus, who is part of the Holy Trinity along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and Who therefore is God, said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,” [John 14:6]. There is no other way to God the Father except through the precious, atoning blood of Jesus Christ. Not through suicide bombing, raping newborns, beheading 21 Egyptian Christians, not through piloting jetliners into the World Trade Center, and not through Allah. A faith that targets Christians and Jews, a faith that tries to redirect people away from God and to a different god in Allah, a faith that intentionally kills, deceives, and brings terror throughout the earth is not from God, Mr. President. It is from Satan himself. Satan is using the religion of Islam to kill, maim, terrify, and weaken the people of this world to open the door for the Antichrist. Mr. President, while you espouse giving Muslim youth educational opportunities, job fairs and believe that Iran is only interested in nuclear research for their power needs, the entire world watches as the largest free nation, the United States of America, sits back while her citizens are killed while on humanitarian missions. The entire world watches with mouth agape as the United States, the largest historically Christian country that was founded by men who believed in the God of the Bible, sits comfortably while Christians throughout the Middle East are kidnapped, killed, raped, starved, and tortured. President Obama, if you are a true Bible-believing follower of Jesus Christ, you would not have defended Islam by throwing Christianity under the bus at the National Prayer Breakfast by saying, “And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.” This mention of “Christ” was the second mention of Jesus Christ, the first being mentioning His Name in a joke about driving. What is disturbing to me the most is this was not a speech made up on the spot, but calculated, as the source for this is the transcript of your speech at the breakfast, which means it was a speech that was written prior to the breakfast. The Bible states in Acts 7 that as people were picking up stones to kill Stephen, the first Christian martyr, they laid their coats at the feet of Saul, a Pharisee, who did nothing but watch as stone after stone hit Stephen even as he praised God and worshiped. Acts 8:1 says that even though he did not cast a single stone at Stephen, “…Saul approved of their killing him.” Mr. President, it is my belief you are not only throwing Christianity under the bus, but you’re backing up and running over the United States as well. You're not only holding coats for Islamic extremists, to use the Saul example, but handing them rocks. You have damaged this country’s relationship with Israel – our only real solid ally in the Middle East and are even now protesting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, an unprecedented political move in foreign affairs. You have Benghazi blood on your hands, Mr. President. You are failing to protect this nation’s borders, ballooning the national debt, playing fast and loose with the Constitution, and of all things, giving the green light to Iran for nuclear weapons. You, Mr. President, are making a mockery out of this country. I have the feeling that asking you to step down as President would be a miracle. So, I will turn now to the members of Congress. As a citizen of the United States of America, members of the Senate and the House, I ask you to impeach Barack Obama for failing to live up to the vow he made at his inauguration: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Members of Congress, Barack Obama has not done this. He has failed to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. He has failed to protect our military in war zones by taking away their ability to protect themselves. He has used drones, electronic devices and seizing of phone records to spy on American citizens. He has done these, and many more impeachable offenses yet you, members of Congress, like Saul, sit back and do nothing. It is time. It is time that the United States of America of legend and honor and glory come back. Otherwise, we will all need to fly the American flag upside down, as our country is in distress. In Christ, Terrie Bentley McKee © 2015
2/28/2015 02:57:09 pm
Well said, my friend...sure do wish "Mr. President" would read it.
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