This summer the United States' consciousness has been seared with a hot iron as week and week another video is released from the Center for Medical Progress detailing the barbarity of abortion and Planned Parenthood. Children, ripped from the womb, are being "harvested" -- a gross and barbaric term for the act of cutting a pre-born baby's face off to get to his brains. One worker in the seventh video commented that the dissection was “fun.” Let's stop right there. Let's let that sink in. Before these videos were released this summer, we had the LGBT movement and the United States government vomit in God's face as they attempted to redefine marriage. Before this, we had the transgender/gender-bending Bruce Jenner change before our very eyes. It was during this time, on April 8, the website LifeSite published an article by Thaddeus Baklinski titled "Children as young as 3 referred to NHS for transgender treatments." Let's stop right there. Let's let that sink in. I have a five year old daughter. Only two years ago, she was of the age that are being referred to the United Kingdom's National Health Service for transgender treatments. Now, Laura loves to play t-ball with boys and she can swing a bat. She also likes to play in dirt. But, playing in dirt nearly always entails making mud pies. T-ball games usually revert to her playing in the in-field sand and picking flowers in the outfield. She loves to play with horses and baby dolls and her favorite color without exception or coercion is pink. She came out of the womb a girl and will tell you quickly she is a girl. Three year olds have no intellectual, physical or emotional capacity to even dream of changing who they are. Nearly without exception, most three year olds are influenced by what they see and hear at home, at preschool, and on television. One of the children featured in the article was a little boy being reared by two lesbians. Baklinski quoted Dr. Rick Fitzgibbons, a psychiatrist and the director of Comprehensive Counseling Services near Philadelphia, as saying, "Today, another important motivational factor related to transgender identity is the exposure to youth to gender theory in college, which can result in their embrace of postmodern philosophies focused on freedom as an end to itself." It doesn’t take a genius to understand how the little boy was coerced into thinking about being a girl by his lesbian “mothers” – the poor child was living in a stew-pot of gender theory. With the Supreme Court's decision and the gay-friendly-frenzy the United States is in, school systems nationwide are embracing "gender theory" as a curriculum supplement in public schools. Based on Fitzgibbons’ quote alone, we can expect to see children who are exposed to this mind-warping worldview to express desire to change their gender – just because it’s the “in” thing to think about. Child Sacrifice We as the Church are thus faced with these issues: abortion, butchering pre-born babies as though they’re no more than veal or venison for the sake of “research,” and the overt targeting of children by the LGBT movement. Children are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. God is very clear on where He stands on child sacrifice. Leviticus 20:3 states, "I myself will set my face against him and will cut him off from his people; for by sacrificing his children to Molek, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name..." In this passage God orders the death of someone who sacrifices a child. One might say, abortion is not an idol… oh is it not? Abortion is an idol: an idol that holds at its core selfishness, irresponsibility, convenience and bad timing. Society says “the pregnancy was terminated” – a whitewashed way to say that child was killed in utero….the most innocent was taken, by force, and killed -- all because it was okay to make the baby but not okay to have the baby. It is not okay to use murder as a contraceptive. We so de-value life in this world that girls and women are raped every single day and not only do they have to live with that, but they decide to abort a baby that did not ask to be conceived. Most of the time, adoption is not an option that is mentioned to them. So they not only carry the emotional weight of the rape, but also the emotional toil that inevitably comes from knowing they aborted a living person. Idolatry of LGBT movement One might say…the LGBT movement is not an idol….hogwash. People enslaved in the LGBT movement worship, flaunt and demand approval of their lifestyle choice [which the Bible is very clear on a different word: sin]. Anything that is worshiped or glorified first in one’s life instead of God is an idol. That bears repeating: Anything that is worshiped or glorified first in one’s life instead of God is an idol. The culture of the United States is growing more wicked by the day. It’s all backwards: people who support the murder of babies make Christians out to be villains; the sin-soaked proponents of the LGBT movement mock our God before our eyes and desire to teach our own children things that we ourselves have no desire to learn. Who in this day, in this country loves the children? God loves children. One of the most important things He told Adam and Eve was to “be fruitful and increase in number,” [Genesis 1:28]. He wanted men and women to marry (as He made marriage) and to have children, and to teach the children about Him, to take His commandments and “impress them on your children” [Deuteronomy 6:7a]. He created us in His image, “fearfully and wonderfully made,” [Psalm 139:14]. Jesus loves children. He told His disciples to let the children come to Him. “People were also bringing babies to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them. When His disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to Him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these,” [Luke 18:15-16]. When abortionists take the lives of babies, when pregnant women sign consent forms for abortions, when adults who are in the role of being parents, sacrifice children in abortions or coerce children to think they’re not good enough in the body and gender in which God made them, they are being the ultimate hindrance to those children having a relationship with Christ. What is the Church doing? Children are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness – and what is the Church doing about it? If we read further along in the Leviticus passage, we will see this: "If the members of the community close their eyes when that man sacrifices one of his children to Molek and if they fail to put him to death, I myself will set my face against him and his family and will cut them off from their people together with all who follow him in prostituting themselves to Molek," [vs. 4-5]. “If any members of the community close their eyes…” Is the Church closing her eyes? There are approximately 700 Planned Parenthood clinics in the United States which performed 327,000 abortions in 2014; there are over 450,000 churches in the U.S. If just 327,000 churches had one family that would be open to adoption, all those babies could have been adopted out instead of killed. There are 450,000 churches in the United States and still 327,000 babies killed in 2014 alone. Looks like closed eyes to me. There is a foster care problem in this country: too many kids in foster care and not enough qualified foster families. The Bible tells us clearly that “religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world,” [James 1:27]. There are too many people who would checkmark the box labeled ‘Christian’ in a questionnaire about religious preference and not enough Jesus-followers. True followers of Jesus would protect the sanctity of children. What is more important: to bow a knee in worship at the altar of political correctness and social justice as defined by liberal politicians, or to bow before Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Emma & Matthew I personally have six children I call mine. One is a step-daughter but I still claim her. Three were born into my arms; two were born into the arms of Jesus. The two that are in heaven’s nursery I named Emma Elyse and Matthew Dean. It helped me grieve their miscarriages to name them. They are every bit as part of me as the other four. Losing Emma and Matthew in miscarriages, with the blood, the tissue, the knowledge that a child had passed…I cannot imagine going through the emotions or the physical aspect, on purpose. I also cannot imagine being so cold-hearted as to hold a tiny baby in my hands, see its heart beating, and then take it apart, limb from limb, commenting that it is "fun" to do so. “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him…” wrote Solomon in Psalm 127:3. If children are a heritage and a reward from God, what will be the outcome of the person who kills that heritage? What will be the outcome for the person who leads that reward astray, making him or her thinking that they’re not acceptable the way they are. What can we do, as the Church? We can make our voices heard to our government officials. We can support local efforts to help foster families – or become foster families ourselves. We cannot ostracize young people in the church who become pregnant out of wedlock….as Jesus forgives us, so must we forgive others…we can support local groups that fight for pre-born babies. We can open our arms to adoption. We can no longer remain neutral and turn a closed eye to these issues. Jesus said in Revelation 3:14b-16: “These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Remember the Leviticus passage? "I myself will set my face against him and his family..." The Church cannot afford to be lukewarm on the matter of sacrificing children for political reasons – or any reason. The sanctity of the children depend on it. The judgement of the Church depends on it. For the Children, Terrie
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